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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Work-life harmony over work-life balance

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Work-Life Harmony, this struck my interest when my professor, Ms. Pia Manalastas, mentioned this phrase. In my entire career until now, I have always seemed to prioritize work over my personal life. I have been guilty of bringing it with me when I got married. The difficulties and challenges at work have always gotten me stuck at work. I seemed to be more married with work than with my husband.

In all honesty, I am more of a homebody. I enjoy being at home. I enjoy cooking. I enjoy being the host of gatherings at home. I enjoy being with my pets. I enjoy joining my husband wherever he wants to go. I enjoy cross-stitching. I enjoy just sitting down with nature feeling and breathing fresh air, reading or having some quiet time. And other than that, I am naturally an introvert even if others’ impression of me is not.

Struggling to find the balance

But what has happened to me? I have always struggled to find the balance. How do you really find that balance? Is it really possible? In the 80’s it was. I remember my aunts and uncles had time for family. Nowadays, it is different. Traffic was not as bad then. Work, I think, was not as demanding then as compared to now.

Let’s see:

1 hour to prepare for work, the least.

2 hours for travel time to work

9 hours standard work hours, which include the 1 hour lunch break

2 hours travel time to get home

By the time I get home, I am exhausted from work and the traffic drains you all the more. Too exhausted to cook for the family. What more if you are working and studying at the same time?

But what is the reality? Nine hours staying at work is rare. Balance is impossible. Some Saturdays are spent at work. Hoping to please your boss or satisfy the demands of the job. Trying to find that balance made work and life seem like oil and water.

Finding harmony

Harmonizing life and work made more sense than trying to balance it.

In my quest to find out how to harmonize work and life, I reflected on how past experiences, discussed with friends, observed the people around me, and came across some relative stories, videos and clips. Here are some tips, trivias and insights I was able to gather:

1. People who brought their pets with them at work are more creative, positive, and a quick thinker at work.

2. Bring your family in business trips and spend time and arrange a date with them after work.

3. A healthy family relationship along with supportive and positive family members makes… so what if others, colleagues or boss, criticize. The important thing is you are happy and are able to deliver. Not everyone will share the same values and views as yours. That’s always a given.

4. You can’t be everything to everyone. Otherwise you stretch yourself too much. In the end, instead of pleasing all, you disappoint everyone.

5. We have the power to create our own opportunities. As we search for opportunities that will provide a better life  with our family, set your boundaries. Otherwise, you fall into the problem of stretching yourself too much where the family suffers its consequences.

Having the power to change

We can’t entirely blame it to the environment we are in. We have the power to change our mindset. We have the power to decide on what action to take. We have the power to look at the bright side of things.

Basically, harmonizing life with work makes one more productive, happier and fulfilled.  Something to reflect on this day dedicated to all workers.  Happy Labor Day to all!


The author is an MBA student at the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business. This essay is part of a journal she kept in fulfillment of the requirements of the course, Lasallian Business Leadership with Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.


The views expressed here are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official position of DLSU, its faculty, and its administrators.


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