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Sunday, June 16, 2024

An accountant’s life

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In celebration of Tax Day, I would like to pay tribute to the noble accountants who work tirelessly to meet today’s deadline.

An accountant’s life might be identified with debit and credit, journal entries, trial balance, reconciliations, adjustments, financial statements, tax compliances and others. There is no other way of doing the accounting work but through being very detailed, one by one, exact matches, accuracy of figures and sleepless nights. It’s a profession that others won’t like or even be interested in.  Others may even find it boring, but for others it is challenging and worthy profession. However we may see it, one thing is sure”•all businesses need accountants and we need accounting in our financial life.  

Long hours and sleepless nights

I’ve been an accountant for almost seven years now, dealing with different clients, foreign and local for their accounting and reportorial needs. Being Math as my favorite subject in high school, I took up the BSA course not knowing that Accounting is not about Math alone, but an in-depth analysis of transactions with basic use of mathematical operations, thanks to calculators.

Laptop, calculator, paper and pen are usually the tools found on top of our desks, day and night.  These tools are part of our professional growth. In my earlier years in the profession, I witnessed how everyone worked very hard for long hours every day, endured sleepless nights and ignored the desire to hang out and have fun outside after office hours. That was the life we had as accountants, especially during month’s end, tax season and whenever we had challenging clients.

Work with love

I grew up in a working environment where people are committed to work and deliver to clients on time as much as possible.  This was also the attitude I carried on while progressing in the profession.  At first, it was just about pleasing the clients, my senior or my manager, doing the job because I needed to finish it and I was happy to get it done.

As years passed, I realized a more meaningful definition of who accountants are: they are selfless, patient, dedicated, passionate, sincere, caring and creative individuals.  In our every client engagements aside from pouring out time and effort in working for the most messy accounting records of clients, we give ourselves and put our hearts into it.

We’re able to endure the lack of sleep and give up social fun just to finish what we have committed to. We’re doing it not only because of fear of failing to meet the deadline or disappoint the client, but also because we are persons who deliver output with excellence, who do our work with love and eagerness to be of help to our clients through our profession. We deliver to them, however it’s inconvenient for us and we take the extra mile so that things could be easier for them.

Search for the truth

I personally admire and salute the hard working accountants out there, who do their work with integrity and sincerity, who devote themselves to the profession.  These noble accountants tirelessly search for the truth behind the numbers and make adjustments of themselves just to meet the clients’ needs.

We may get tired physically but our hearts are ever refreshed with the fulfillment brought by the love and service we give.

The author is an MBA student at Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business.  This essay is a part of a journal she keeps in fulfillment of the requirements of the course, Lasallian Business Leadership with Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.  Visit her blog at

The views expressed here are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official position of DLSU, its faculty, and its administrators.


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