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Monday, June 17, 2024

FIS promotes efficient Career Counseling Program

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FIS promotes efficient Career Counseling Program

Being constantly reminded on what every student needs to do in life contains a huge amount of pressure tied upon the wall of uncertainty.

To choose the right path embodies a framework of the right attitude, knowledge or skills in pursuing certain careers. Seeking an extensive variety of potential careers may be overwhelming, as for information on the skill sets and education needed for a particular position may be conflicting or demanding factors needed to fill in. Following efforts that involve creating patterns lead to eventually opening a path.

There’s always something that needs to be done. And to get it done, people need to always begin – sometimes even from square one; meaning figuring out on how you balance your priorities for your future endeavors.

Fountain International School, one of the premier and Cambridge certified educational institutions in the country, redefines school career counseling through a more comprehensive and parent-involved program.

Fountain International School, one of the premier and Cambridge certified educational institutions in the country, redefines school career counseling through a more comprehensive and parent-involved program.

“This program that we are currently doing has proven to be very effective in giving the students and their parents a better understanding of their options when they become college/university students,” Mr. Nuh Sabankaya, FIS guidance advisor mentioned. Fountain International School highlights several factors that affect the students’ career path decisions: parents, peers, educators and media.

Aside from promoting a holistic approach to learning that aims to unlock the students’ various potentials, the school also uses an efficient career counseling program to ensure that students will be critical in choosing the right career path.

“We want our students to carefully evaluate themselves in order to find the right career path appropriate for their learning strengths and skills,” Mr. Nuh Sabankaya, FIS guidance advisor added.

The school recognizes the various aspects that influences the students and is helping them have a clearer vision on the course that they will take in college and eventually will become their career. It conducts a series of tests at the beginning of the school year in order to gauge the student’s knowledge and their interests.

After knowing the interests of their students, one-on-one in-school counseling is done to provide more comprehensive career guidance.

Aside from this, Fountain International School also conducts an out-of-school program that centers in a more comprehensive and parent-involved approach. After the series of tests and in-school counseling, teachers from Fountain International School will do the regular home visits to discuss their students’ progress with the parents and the probability of choosing careers that the want to pursue.

“We constantly remind our students to study hard in order to be successful in life. Their chosen college course is indicative of their future career path.

Whatever they chooses greatly influences their skills, knowledge and perception of their future—this is where career counseling will have utmost importance,” Mr. Nuh Sabankaya, FIS guidance advisor said.



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