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Monday, June 17, 2024

World Health Day focuses on depression

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WORLD Health Day celebration in the Philippines has focused on the threat of depression which could possibly lead to suicide, now the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-old people.

The Department of Health led  the observance of World Health Day with its local theme “It’s OK not to be OK. Express Yourself. Let’s Talk,” through a joint press conference with the World Health Organization.

Health Secretary Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial noted that everybody had a role to play in addressing mental health challenges in the country today. 

“I therefore, encourage everyone to do his or her part to arrest this problem by showing compassion (to) and understanding (of) the vulnerable members of our society,” she said.

WHO said depression  was the world’s leading contributor to ill health affecting people of all ages, from all walks of life across the globe. 

It causes extreme grief and anxiety resulting in a great impact on the individual to carry out the simplest of everyday tasks with sometimes destructive outcomes in relationships with family and friends. 

It also renders a person incapacitated due to the loss of self-motivation.

All people undergo depression at some point in their lives. If not properly addressed, it may lead to suicide that may eventually end to death, health experts said. 

The role of two-way communication as an effective strategy and response to address depression must always be established, they added.

“But the good news is depression can both be prevented and treated, health experts revealed,” said WHO.

With a better understanding of what depression is and how to effectively respond to it, the stigma attached to it is certainly reduced and it encourages more people to come forward and seek appropriate medical treatment.

The St. Paul University of Manila, as a major partner in this endeavor, will also present today a stage play titled, “Suicide Incorporated,” discussing mental health issues such as the dangers of depression, coping with loss, guilt and redemption aiming to shed light on the issue at hand.


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