29.1 C
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Saving our planet

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If the participation by the people in the global observance of Earth Hour last Saturday was a gauge of our capacity to act together to protect the earth, then we are in serious trouble.

As in the past years, very few households participated. It was only in major malls where Earth Hour was observed. While shutting off all lights and unnecessary electrical appliances and devices for just one hour is not a tough act, few join in every year on this symbolic gesture of oneness in saving the planet Earth.

Perhaps, people think the one-hour shut off of lights would not amount to anything. They might conclude it’s a useless activity. Yet, results from last year’s Earth Hour observance translated to over 13.2 million watts in total energy savings, roughly equivalent to 7,370 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. The energy saved by each individual during Earth Hour may not be much but taken together with all those who joined, a substantial amount of CO2 is prevented from getting emitted to the atmosphere.

People take for granted that the earth will always be there for humanity to exploit. They do not realize that since homo sapiens inhabited the earth, the earth’s ecosystem rapidly deteriorated. Dinosaurs lived on earth for some 175 million years until they were wiped out towards the end of the Cretaceous period when a meteor hit the earth. The dinosaurs should be credited for bequeathing to humans a healthy earth with a balanced ecosystem.

The modern man’s ancestors, the Neanderthals and others, lived on earth for six million years but started to evolve only 200,000 years ago. The civilized humans, as we know them now—those standing upright—have been living on earth for only 6,000 years compared to the dinosaurs’ 175 million years. Yet, while men achieved much in this comparatively much shorter period in terms of making life comfortable for their existence, they have forgotten their role as caretakers of the earth. Their inventions and industrial creations have caused devastating effects on the air, the water and the soil. As stated in Universe Today, “the effects of humans on earth cannot be understated.” (

Every year, to build more houses for the world’s growing population, we bring down forests and destroy natural habitats, driving animal and plant species into smaller areas and endangerment. We are breathing dirtier air each day, eating and drinking more contaminated food and water. And yet we do nothing. The incidence of cancer and other lifethreatening illnesses plague us but we do not attribute it to our abuse of the environment and the earth.

Man is greedy and selfish. And he is shortsighted, too. He does things only to satisfy his hunger for luxury, comfort and money. The cycle goes on. The enterprising ones build wealth by addressing the hunger of the wealthy for the best and most expensive cars, the biggest diamonds and the most intricate pieces of jewelry set in gold. Mining companies destroy the earth by blasting off forests and poisoning the soil and water—but people do not care. Manufacturers create more products that cause more gas emissions and people happily grab them. Some live for their material joy in the moment while others live for their love of money.

No wonder each summer is getting hotter and more unbearable and each typhoon is getting fiercer and more destructive. The warming of the planet because of our continued emission of toxic gases that pollute the atmosphere will continue to accelerate until the earth can no longer sustain life. We will no longer be here then but our descendants will. Can we live with the thought that the next generations will blame us for destroying the only planet in the universe they can call home? Perhaps they will succeed in their search for other planets to move to. But, unless the human species learns now to be one and united in saving the planet earth, there is no reason to believe they will be able to care for another planet they can find to inhabit.




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