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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rogue police officers go Awol

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SEVERAL police officers who were included in the list of  rogue cops set to be reassigned to Mindanao due to their alleged involvement in illegal activities and other abuses, went AWOL (absent without official leave).

This was discovered shortly after National Capital Region Police Office director Oscar Albayalde led the accounting and sendoff ceremony for the Metro Manila policemen held early Monday morning in Taguig City. 

The Mindanao-bound policemen has been dubbed as Task Force South.

In a statement, the NCRPO said 311 police personnel are to be assigned to the Southern Command as ordered by President Rodrigo Duterte. Some of these cops, however,  went on AWOL.

But when asked on the exact number of those who went AWOL, NCRPO spokesperson and chief information officer Kimberly Molina replied “I don’t know. You should ask the NHQ [National Headquarters] po.”

Molina earlier sent invitations to members of the media to cover the accounting and sendoff of the police officers at the NCRPO grandstand where Albayalde personally discussed with the policemen the details of their flights and reassignments.

“We are not saying that you are all bad policemen. Some are. This is your chance to prove that you are not. Now is the right time to show your discipline. Your reassignment is not punitive. This is the prerogative of the President and the Chief PNP. So we must follow directives. All erring policemen, not only those with cases, are included in the effort to cleanse our ranks,” said Albayalde during the sendoff ceremony.

National Capital Region Police Office chief Police Director Oscar Albayalde  leads the sendoff ceremony for rogue cops and officials with qustionable records in a ceremony held at Camp Crame.  Some of the police officers, however, were confirmed to have gone AWOL (absent without official leave). Norman Cruz

“If you honestly believe that you are a good policeman then you must show a good attitude on this situation,” Albayalde added.

“All of us has been in our career were assigned in Mindanao so you must take this reassignment as a challenge and not a punishment. This is all but temporary. You have time to prove your worth.”

Albayalde, on the other hand, advised those who went AWOL to think first before making a decision that will aggravate their problems.    

“Those who didn’t report [today], they brought more problems. You will be having more time in the service, so you should be the role model for the young police officers,” he said.

The rogue cops are composed of police commissioned officers including one superintendent, four chief inspectors, nine senior inspectors, three inspectors; and 293 non police commissioned officers.

These cops came from the regional headquarters and five police districts in Metro Manila, broken down as follows: 49 from the Northern Police District, 10 from the Eastern Police District, 72 from the Manila Police District, 51 from the Southern Police District, 35 from the Quezon City Police District, and 94 from NCRPO-Regional Headquarters.

They are listed as among those who have existing administrative and criminal cases that ranges from serious offenses such as robbery, extortion, drug protection, illegal drug use, carnapping, grave threats to less serious offenses such as recidivism or tardiness, texting while on duty and performing duties while not in proper uniform.

Albayalde said the reassignment should serve as a stern warning to all NCRPO personnel. 

“We are very firm on our stand on our internal cleansing program. Our cleansing would transcend from these offenses to erring cops.”    

He also encouraged the public to report their complaints on abusive cops. “Rest assured that any report will be verified and thoroughly investigated. Reported cops will be accorded due process and proper adjudication.”


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