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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Trillanes links Rody to drugs

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SENATOR Panfilo Lacson said President Rodrigo Duterte may be impeached if it can be proven that he also had dealings with drug lords as claimed by Senator Antonio Trillanes IV.

“If that is raised in the Senate, I will be the first one to vote for it,” said Lacson after Trillanes showed three photos of Duterte with Lim taken during a wedding where they both stood as sponsors.

Trillanes presented the pictures to dispel the wrong notion of “guilt by picture taking.”

“If these pictures would be the basis, then hulihin ang presidente dahil kasama niya ang pinakamalakas na drug lord,” said Trillanes.

Trillanes said guilt cannot be proven by picture taking because many people approach politicians just to have their pictures taken. 


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