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Monday, June 17, 2024

Estampador earns IOC award

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An Ethiopian journalist on Monday became the first man to win an Olympic award aimed at promoting women and sport.

Dagim Zinabu Tekle claimed the honor as founder of a radio program designed to encourage women and girls to become more involved in sport “and to pursue their goals and dreams”.

First awarded in 2000, the ‘Women and Sport’ trophy was handed over to Tekle by International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The Philippines’ Maria Leonor Estampador, the country’s first female national fencing coach, was also among the awardees on Monday as the continental winner for Asia.

Maria Leonor Estampador

Now an administrative manager for the Asian Fencing Confederation, Estampador “championed providing broader opportunities for women in both administrative and technical responsibilities within sport,” according to

Tekle’s programme has invited 12,580 guests — sports leaders, coaches, professionals and sportswomen engaged in local and international women’s sports activities — on it since it was first aired five years ago.

“This has significantly raised awareness among the public of the achievements and success of these women,” the IOC said.

As well as Tekle’s global honor, there were five continental awards handed out in Lausanne — including to Australia former women’s international footballer Moya Dodd, for championing women’s rights in Oceania.

Other recipients were Rwandan Felicite Rwemarika (Africa), American Carole Oglesby (Americas), and Denmark’s Majken Maria Gilmartin (Europe). 

Bach commented: “These Women and Sport Awards are very important because without these personalities whom we are honouring, the athletes could not achieve their goals. 

“These personalities have assisted and inspired athletes. They have been fighting for the right of the female athletes, they have encouraged them. We are extremely grateful to them.”


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