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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

MMDA to sue owners of cars parked illegally

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Owners of illegally parked vehicles towed in Metro Manila can be sued and placed under the government’s alarm list of traffic violators.

Metro Manila Development Authority acting chairman Thomas Orbos said violators will not be able to renew their license or registration.

“We have an average of 80 to 100 vehicles a day that we tow. The problem in towing is it takes time, it takes resources, it takes a space which becomes also a point of obstruction of traffic. So, we are trying to look on how really try to hasten our campaign,” Orbos said.

“We have to tell our motorists that if we have to file a case, we have other remedies there—we can put them in the watchlist. Would you like that?” he added.

Any driver who shall illegally park his motor vehicle on any public road, street or thoroughfare in Metro Manila shall pay a fine of P500.

“Our impounding area is in Ultra [University of Life in Pasig City]. If your vehicle towed in Roxas Boulevard, it will be brought there and you will pay the per kilometer charge. The thing is that takes time so we’re trying to find ways and means to deter these owners,” he said.

“We are also considering bringing these towed  to Tarlac but again the problem there is it takes time and it is a harsh move,” Orbos added.

Three months ago, the MMDA brought to Tarlac 150 apprehended vehicles and more than 260 motorcycles for illegal parking, out of line and other traffic violations to decongest the government’s impounding site in Metro Manila.

In the LTO impounding site in Tarlac, all expenses, including the tollgate fee, will be shouldered by the car owners. 


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