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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Hope and future through classical music

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Music in its various forms and genre provide tonic and a positive force that can inspire people to feel good, to do good things, to feel connected, to be energized.  One particular type of music which traces its roots during the classical period in the 18th century is what we refer to as classical music.  And we normally associate them with musical giants like Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, among others. And another normal association is with the orchestra, a group of musicians with various instruments led by a conductor who can put together great sounds of inspiration. 

Providing free musical education

It is common for people to think that to be a member of an orchestra, one has to have the means to train as well as to acquire ones instrument of choice. Rightly so since it may be expensive to purchase say a violin or a flute and more so, to engage a musical teacher to hone ones musical aptitude. It usually takes a good amount of time to surface the talent and interest of an individual to become an accomplished musician.

In 1975, Jose Antonio Abreu, a Venezuelan, founded a ground-breaking organization called El Sistema devoted to “free classical music education that promotes human opportunity and development for impoverished children.”  Abreu cites that music is an agent of social development and has the ability to unite communities. His modest movement has expanded not only in Venezuela but across the globe.

Achieving full musical potential

Inspired by the El Sistema phenomenon, the Sistema for the Filipino Youth (SFY) was put together in 2013. From its website, the SFY is a musical program that offers children from deprived communities the opportunity to achieve their full musical potential through the classical music discipline, with the ultimate hope of creating a positive impact on their respective communities.

The SFY Scholars are provided with free music education, performance and transportation allowances, instruments, meals, uniforms and daily counseling in values formation. Several groups have been formed in various Philippine locales which benefits around 600 scholars and counting.

Giving opportunities to grow and flourish 

From the SFY scholars was born what is now known as the Orchestra of the Filipino Youth, the flagship ensemble, which has performed in various venues locally as well as abroad.

The SFY through its music advocacy has certainly given that particular opportunity to those with talent and interest in music to be nurtured and afforded them a chance to grow and flourish. It has provided entertainment to the communities they have visited, an opportunity to appreciate classical music at the grassroots, which many consider as a high brow genre.  It has also given pride to the country whenever the music ambassadors through the OFY travel abroad for performances.

Supporting this advocacy

The SFY members can also consider a life-long commitment and the playing of music not only as a hobby but also as a vocation. And since it takes a village to raise a child, we can support this advocacy through attendance and patronage of their concerts as well as through financial commitment which will go a long way in helping the young musicians that great chance to have a bright future. 

If you are interested in sponsoring a young musician, there are several sponsorship packages available. Visit their website, for more information on the group and how to contribute to this worthy program.

Dr. Berino is an Associate Professional Lecturer with the Decision Sciences and Innovation Department of the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University. He can be reached at

The views expressed here are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official position of DLSU, its faculty, and its administrators.


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