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Monday, June 17, 2024

Lifestyle check on court judges pushed

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A ranking lawmaker  on Sunday proposed the institutionalization of lifestyle check on  people in the justice system to stop corruption.

Oriental Mindoro Rep. Reynaldo Umali, House committe on justice, said he would ask Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno to conduct a lifestyle check among court officers and personnel, especially judges.

But as far as Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez is concerned, Umali  said there is also  need to include all lawmakers.

“Let us institutionalized [the lifestyle check] in all sectors of government agencies, including the criminal justice system,” Umali said.

Umali’s panel will conduct the probe on the proliferation of illegal drugs inside the National Bilibid Prison during the stint of then Justice secretary Leila de Lima.

The lifestyle check should also include all the guards and personnel manning the NBP, police, fiscals and judges, he said.

When asked about the inclusion of lawmakers, Umali threw the ball to Alvarez. It was up to the House leadership to decide.


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