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Monday, June 17, 2024

Isolating himself from the people

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I still cannot understand what President-elect Rodrigo Roa Duterte intends to do, and in what direction he is heading.

“No more media interviews until the end of my term,” he said.

Santa Banana, that would mean that the nation would just rely on Malacañang’s press releases and statements. They will come from the Communications Group headed by former broadcaster Martin Andanar, the new member of the Palace communications group.

Andanar says that statements coming from the incoming President will just be relayed to the people through PTV, the government channel, and by radio through the Palace radio network. Andanar also said that Malacañang will use its own tabloid newspaper to issue the messages of Du30 to the people.

I don’t know if Du30 realizes it, but using the government and other media outlets owned by Malacañang is the worst thing any president can do. The coverage of PTV, the government television network, is limited unlike the two national television networks with nationwide coverage-GMA 7 and ABS-CBN. There are also TV5 and CNN Philippines.

My gulay, by boycotting media, Du30 can only isolate himself from the very people who voted for him. These are the people who want real change. Media, which include print, radio and television, will be left speculating on what Du30 is saying and doing.

His incessant bashing of the Catholic Church and the war he has declared with media indicate—and I hope I am wrong —the road Du30 is headed for. It’s the road to an authoritarian state where the Chief Executive can do whatever he wants to do.

Du30 may not realize it, but the Catholic Church and media can be his friends.

Along with the change Du30 vowed he would bring to the nation, he himself should change for the better.

We live in a democracy where assent and dissent are essential. Without these, there can only be tyranny.

* * *

There are two controversies which Du30 promised to resolve during his term. People want to see how he would act.

There is the burial of the late strongman Ferdinand Edralin Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. There’s no doubt that Marcos was president, commander-in-chief, secretary of national defense and a war veteran in Bataan and a guerilla in the North. The law is clear that a soldier merits burial at the Libingan.

The only objection to the burial at Libingan comes from the victims of Martial Law. But should Du30 listen to them if he is really determined to heal and unite the country?

As Du30 himself had stated, his late father, a former Davao governor, was a follower of Marcos. And that’s why he preferred Bongbong Marcos to be his running mate until Senator Alan Peter Cayetano started clinging to him like a shadow. In fact, the politically influential Iglesia Ni Cristo had a Duterte-Bongbong tandem to be voted on by its members.

It’s for this reason that Du30 should not hesitate to have the remains of the late strongman buried at the Libingan. The fact is that Marcos was a soldier. Santa Banana, if a dog, which served soldiers, could be buried at the Libingan, why can’t Marcos?

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Another controversial case that has defied logic is the continued detention of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. She is on hospital arrest for the P336-million transfer of Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office intelligence funds.

The reason for this tragedy of the former president is BS Aquino himself, who was so eager to make Mrs. Arroyo the poster child of his supposed Daang Matuwid. Up to this day, I’m still at a loss as to why BS Aquino is so vindictive to Gloria when she did not do him any wrong. It was just to show the world that BS Aquino could send his former professor to jail.

And, my gulay, how could Gloria be guilty of plunder when she did not profit from what she did? Worse, the First Division denied her bail when all the rest of her co-accused had been allowed it. This is clearly persecution.

Du30 had earlier wanted to pardon GMA. He is a lawyer and a former prosecutor. He believes that the case against Mrs. Arroyo is weak. But she has refused to be pardoned because that would mean acknowledging her guilt.

In fact, the Supreme Court has already set an agenda for oral arguments next Tuesday for Gloria’s petition for bail and demurer of evidence or dismissal of her plunder case.

The dismissal of the plunder case against Gloria can be done even before Du30 take his oath of office. The burial of the remains of Marcos may take a little longer, but it will come.

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The 365 Club which now meets at the Holiday Inn Suites every Saturday had special guests —outgoing Vice President Jojo Binay, Senator Nancy Binay, and incoming Makati Mayor Abigail Binay—last Saturday.

On that occasion, the Binays became full-fledged members of the 365 Club. Since the 365 Club is Makati-based, every Makati mayor automatically becomes an honorary member.

The 365 Club is unique, without a charter, roster of officers, list of members and set of rules. The only rule is that anybody who joins the Club should pay for what he orders, unless some benefactor offers to pay. Anybody who wants to partake of economic and political discussions is welcomed. We used to meet everyday, including Sundays. That’s why it was called 365 Club until lately—when members started taking advantage of Saturday breakfast.

* * *

The incoming President vowed he will metamorphosed like a butterfly once he takes his oath of office as the Chief Executive. Will he really?

It must be recalled that Du30 has been what he is as Davao mayor for decades. He has gotten away with his rudeness, vulgarity, foul language and jokes about the opposite sex.

But he’s an old man. At 71, it won’t be easy for him to change.

Still, I like him because he is giving me so much to write about.


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