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Monday, June 17, 2024

The Go Negosyo meet the vice presidentiables forum

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It is said that the Vice Presidency is just a short breath away from the Presidency; the selection of a Vice President is as equally important as that of a President. It was, thus, axiomatic that Go Negosyo Talks, after its “Meet the Presidentiables” series, would likewise conduct a “Meet the Vice Presidentiables” forum, still in partnership with PLDT-SMART SME Nation, TV5, Bloomberg TV Philippines, Bilang Pilipino 2016, RFM Corporation and Santa Elena Construction.

I once again had the privilege of serving as a panelist together with Babe Romualdez of the Philippine Star and Mon Lopez, executive director of Go Negosyo. Luchi Cruz-Valdes of TV5 likewise served as the host and moderator. The forum was aired on TV5 and went on live streaming.

With Luchi Cruz-Valdes, Sen. Chiz Escudero, Go Negosyo founder Joey Concepcion, Sen. Bongbong Marcos, Rep. Leni Robredo, Sen. Sonny Trillanes and Go Negosyo executive director Mon Lopez

Four vice presidential candidates attended the forum with their respective supporters in tow: Liberal Party candidate, Camarines Sur Representative Leni G. Robredo; and independent candidates, Senators Sonny Trillanes, Bongbong Marcos, and Chiz Escudero. Each gave impressive opening salvos that went beyond mere motherhood statements that marred the early days of their respective campaigns and showed that each was strong with specific programs or points to address particular issues or concerns. 

“To build a country of enterprising Filipinos” is the battlecry of Go Negosyo. What do the candidates have in store (pun unintended) on this? For Senator Marcos, the proper implementation of the Magna Carta for SMEs is key. For Rep. Robredo, money and market links are needed. For Senator Trillanes, access to capital and ease of doing business is crucial. Senator Escudero meanwhile mentioned faster Internet speeds, one-person corporations, and lower tax rates.

With co-panelists, Go Negosyo’s Mon Lopez and the Manila Overseas Press Club’s Babe Romualdez

I asked the candidates what bold initiatives each would implement to make agriculture work for this country. Cong. Robredo believes we need rice sufficiency for the nation and food security for farmers, but farmers need mentoring, money, and market links. For Senator Trillanes, modernizing the sector coupled with government subsidy is critical. Senator Escudero for his part said he would push for the allocation of P300 billion as agricultural fund when elected. Senator Marcos on the other hand said looking into our irrigation system as well as improving production loans is warranted.

The vice presidentiables: Sen. Chiz Escudero, Sen. Bongbong Marcos, Rep. Leni Robredo and Sen. Sonny Trillanes

My next question dwelt on their positions on agrarian reform. Suffice it to say, the responses of each candidate were expected given their respective backgrounds and political affiliations. All were supportive of agrarian reform, but with qualifications as to how it should proceed. I am of the view, however, the there is too much focus and obsession with land ownership when attention or priority should be given in improving production. Time limits prevented me from further pursuing the issue. Perhaps a topic for future columns.

The very successful Go Negosyo ‘Meet the Vice Presidentiables’ forum

All in all, it was a successful forum where we somehow were able to pick the brains, so to speak, of the vice presidential candidates who, I must say, performed well at the rostrum. Hopefully, the strengthening of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) – the thrust of Go Negosyo – won’t be farthest from their minds if and when one of them gets to be elected to the second-highest position in the land. MSMEs account for almost 65 percent of total jobs generated by the private sector, according to data from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). That is something that cannot be neglected or denied. 


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