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Sunday, June 2, 2024

2 solons find garbage, ‘cracker use alarming

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Two opposition lawmakers on Sunday joined the mounting calls for a safe and orderly celebration of the New Year, with one urging the people to dispose of garbage properly and the other, seeking an end to the use of firecrackers and firing of guns.    

Senatorial candidate  Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez of Leyte  sought  to  reduce the environmental concerns that would greet New Year by  urging  the public to help maintain cleanliness. “While we celebrate New Year, let us also remember environmental considerations from the expected huge garbage to pile-up, “ Romualdez said.

Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez

Vice presidential bet Ferdinand Marcos Jr. rejected the use of firecrackers, saying that cases of firecracker-related  injuries stray bullets reached alarming levels. “As we celebrate, let us also be responsible and avoid doing anything that could harm other people,” the senator said.

Romualdez appealed to authorities to draw up measures that would avoid the mounting of uncollected garbage in various parts of the country.

“Our authorities should initiate its contingency measures so that garbage collection will not be hampered,” he said.

He added the proper disposal of garbage would ensure that it would not find way to the drainage system and inlets that would cause massive floods.

He also asked members of the Philippine National Police and other agencies to ensure the safety of the public against lawless elements. 

Almost 600 cases of firecracker-related  injuries were recorded last year and 61 incidents of stray bullets. 

Marcos urged the public to try alternatives to firecrackers and enjoy  instead the fireworks handled by professional technicians.


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