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Monday, June 17, 2024

51Talk honors inspiring lives of e-Educators

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Filipinos are known for their facility in the English language, and many are gifted with the ability to teach the language. In fact, more Filipinos are becoming home-based teachers, utilizing technology to teach online.  By teaching English, Filipinos are helping empower many citizens all over the world.

51Talk – the online English Language Teaching (ELT) platform in China and the Philippines that created thousands of jobs for home-based teachers, celebrated National Teachers’ Month through an online contest #51TalkTeacherStory featuring stories and experiences of their e-Educators. 

Some 250 entries from all over the Philippines were submitted and screened for judging. “With their commendable communication skills, Filipinos are proven to be one of the best teachers of the English language,” shared Jen Que, vice president for Philippine operations. “It was hard picking the top three entries. We admire their patience, passion, and perseverance in making a difference in the lives of our students and providing for their families.”

Winning first place is Teacher Moyee, who helped one of her students overcome his nervousness through her lessons in English. That student eventually moved to Australia to pursue a master’s degree. The second placer is Teacher Lilydale, a single mother and an online English educator. Teaching online has been a fulfilling job for her as it helps provide for the family while being at home with her kid. At third place is Teacher Amorlove from Cebu, who manages to balance her time as an Architecture student and a passionate teacher through 51Talk. 

Established in China in 2011, 51Talk began operations in the Philippines in 2012. To date, the company has over 4,000 online ESL teachers all over the Philippines. To know how to be a Home-Based e-Educator, visit


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